St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Please contact the school office to arrange a visit, or 020 86936852.

Etherow Street, Dulwich, London, SE22 0LA

02086 936852


The role of our school council is to act as link between the children, the staff and Governors of St Anthony's Primary School.  This ensures that children have a voice and opportunities to evaluate, develop and grow the school.


Our School Council is made up of two representatives from each class, from Year 1 upwardsThe students are elected by their peers and support the school in a variety of different ways.  The children meet regularly, facilitated by Mr Dewar, often meeting with other members of school staff or governors. 


Last year, they supported the chef in designing a new menu (and giving feedback) as well as contributing to decisions about new playground equipmentThe School Council were also responsible for deciding on the school’s revised Core Values and in helping to revise the school’s behaviour policy.